About Us
Want to know more about us?
My Precious Metals is an initiative to provide precious metals education to the public. Our objective is to help the public to make a backup plan for their money in the event banks fail, monetary systems fail, and governments fail.
My Precious Metals owned and operated by Pandemonium Edge Sdn. Bhd. (PESB). PESB is a private limited company registered in Malaysia (Company Number 202001018792 (1375112X)). Our shareholders and directors have over 20 years experience in risk management and building business continuity plans for financial institutions, including banks, asset managers, insurance companies, national pension funds and government linked companies.
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Affiliates and Sponsors
We do not have random advertisements on this site. We hand pick products and services that we personally believe in or use ourselves. In many cases we do not receive a commission or referral, although some times we do. However we do not let this cloud our opinion on which are the best services to use. We only recommend what we personally think is good. Collectively they really only provide sufficient income for the running of this web site if at all.